Nov 1, 2010

10 Things I Hate About You!

So I have loved this poem since the very first time I saw 10 things I hate about you! I have never before found the words online though I did search from time to time...

I sat and read the words tonight and I can actually picture Kat (Julia Stiles) standing in ront of the classroom reading it. I can hear her voice crack as she begins to cry! And I am taken there and think to myself life is so not like the movies. How come movies throw rose tinted glasses and the good guys win, the boy gets the girl at the end and everyone has this happily ever after?

Possibly just cuz we all know what real life is like and are willing to suspend disbelief and for that one hour just be Kat!

For what its worth though...Enjoy the poem!

I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right,

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around,

and the fact that you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,

not even close,

not even a little bit,

not even at all.


Oct 25, 2010

More Old stuff kinda raw

She Plays at life

Sampling its delights…just barely

Pushing to the limits

Testing the borders

Do they hold?

What do they hold?



By the fluff, the dream, the fairy tale

That doesn’t exist


Of herself? Or of the lines?

Borderlines…Red lines…flatlined.

The path leads to destruction

Her ways lead down…to death.

Apr 23, 2010

Telegraph to hypa hoppa...[STOP]

Poo poo tiiiiiiime!!! [STOP]

Yeah Hoppy diz Jus Vee from.... Ah want to flush ah man dred...matter of fact ah wah flush bout 3! [STOP]

Is 4 days now it have no water in my office, and everyday is ah new excuse...[STOP]

Is d pipes, d pump, d intake valve, a part missin, d seal thread out... always something new![STOP]

Yesterday d a/c unit ketch fire an d whole 3rd floor smoke out...not 1 smoke alarm went off![STOP]

Add to dat d EMERGENCY EXIT padlocked!!![STOP]
We have no windows to at least air out d top floor![STOP]

So hear meh...[STOP]

Flush d landlord for cuttin corners to cut cost and in so doing built a fire hazard![STOP]

Flush d fire officer who take d bribe and pass d building.[STOP]

And flush the manager who have people workin under dem conditions and cyah write a letter to have the building double checked according to the OSHA act!!![STOP]

I goin and write d fire chief mehself!!! [STOP]

Go down! [FLUSH]

Apr 12, 2010

So lets start 'cliche'...

Some people come into our livesand leave footprints on our heartsand we are never ever the same.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go... Some stay for a while and embrace our silent dreams.

Eva did not leave quickly... although being cheif cook and bottle washer for a family of never less than 12 at least 9 of whom were male would be enough to put many a strong woman to flight!

Tanty did not run away, she was stable.... steadfast...permanent...enduring! Through difficulty, trials, pains, stresses...she remained...unchanging...loving us all, protecting us all...

When she was left at 80 to mother 4 teenagers each desperate to make their own way in a crazy world at a crazy time, she was stable...rational...firm in resolution...steady in purpose...She decided we would want for nothing and did everything in her power to make it so...

She's aged now...90yrs, 1 week, 1 day...She didn't have a charmed life but she had a long one... and was beyond content!

Ailing now... (funny word ailing...its a proper word to describe a not very proper state)... And once again...She is stable... not changing! But somehow this time her stability brings no comfort!

Main Entry: Stable

Function: Adjective

Inflected Form(s): sta·bler ; sta·blest

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estable, stable, from Latin stabilis, from stare to stand

Date: 13th century

1 a : firmly established : fixed, steadfast b : not changing or fluctuating : unvarying c : permanent, enduring
2 a : steady in purpose : firm in resolution b : not subject to insecurity or emotional illness : sane, rational

Apr 5, 2010

Old Poetry....

There was a time I would pour my soul into words,

with each poem I wrote...

I expressed a piece of my heart...

I'd like to think that I'm not this woman anymore.... I'd really like to!

Metamorphic - Oct 11th 2005.

For so long you desired wings

Just a caterpillar

Many many legs

Life took you on walks

Far and wide

Finally you settle down

Cocoon yourself for several months

And you change

Your shape, your tastes, your nature, all different

You have wings… time for testing

You walk to the edge, and then shy away

No longer solid as you once were

The gentlest breeze seems to buffet you

Fazed by silent nothings

You can stare proudly at your wings

But lacking in confidence

You cannot use them

So you sit on a leaf

Pretty, capable,

But still afraid to fly!

Mar 26, 2010

My First Time

So I decided to try the blogging thing... (shut up you) I'm slowly moving out of the 1980's! But of course I had no clue of what I would say for my very first blog (this being a monumental occassion) I guess over the next...however long the blog fad lasts...and knowing me a little while longer...I'll have lots of things that I want to post joyous angry bitter content whatever emotion...

At this moment I'm a toned down angry!

I cannot stand the self-importance of people who think the value of a person lies in what school they went to and what level their education stopped at! The pompous trash doh work for me... its vomitacious!!!! We don't all have degrees(myself included) but how dare you think I (generic I) am less than your nasty stuck-up white-collar-criminal (pause...deep breath...calm) self! Idiot!!! You have gold in the palm of your hands and you don't even know it...can't see it...cuz its wrapped in dust and rock!

Don't look down on and pity me... I don't pity you...I'm just disgusted...and a bit ashamed...swear I thought you knew better!

:D There...All better now! :) *yes that was toned down