Apr 12, 2010

So lets start 'cliche'...

Some people come into our livesand leave footprints on our heartsand we are never ever the same.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go... Some stay for a while and embrace our silent dreams.

Eva did not leave quickly... although being cheif cook and bottle washer for a family of never less than 12 at least 9 of whom were male would be enough to put many a strong woman to flight!

Tanty did not run away, she was stable.... steadfast...permanent...enduring! Through difficulty, trials, pains, stresses...she remained...unchanging...loving us all, protecting us all...

When she was left at 80 to mother 4 teenagers each desperate to make their own way in a crazy world at a crazy time, she was stable...rational...firm in resolution...steady in purpose...She decided we would want for nothing and did everything in her power to make it so...

She's aged now...90yrs, 1 week, 1 day...She didn't have a charmed life but she had a long one... and was beyond content!

Ailing now... (funny word ailing...its a proper word to describe a not very proper state)... And once again...She is stable... not changing! But somehow this time her stability brings no comfort!

Main Entry: Stable

Function: Adjective

Inflected Form(s): sta·bler ; sta·blest

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estable, stable, from Latin stabilis, from stare to stand

Date: 13th century

1 a : firmly established : fixed, steadfast b : not changing or fluctuating : unvarying c : permanent, enduring
2 a : steady in purpose : firm in resolution b : not subject to insecurity or emotional illness : sane, rational

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